The scenarios that often occur among Orang Asli youth in some villages (referring to the villages that have largely had progress, change and basic facilities in their area) sometimes some of these young people are too comfortable with the situation being to cozy. Those who are wasting time like entertaining with gadgets, seeing social media without limit everyday, empty chat while hanging around on the sidewalk of road mostly during midnight without any purpose and even danger, leading to social problems such as addictive alcohol or drug substances.  
The obsession to the facilities around them has slightly formed and influenced the individual with unhealthy attitudes such as reliance, hoping, spending and seeing or reflecting on the opportunities that existed around them (legacy craft-making) without any action to change.  
Through this artwork, superman symbolism was chosen as the main subject because of the superhero's attitude known as the brave, the foremost person and wanted change in a good way but the indigenous cultural identity remained intact as a superman wearing head gear known as 'Tempok' on his head and a few modifiers of pandanus woven to make as belts, as well as woven accessories in the footwear) 
Remember young people, you are given a perfect limb, do not cheer on it! use as much as possible.
*Based on artist own experience.
'Asli' Ace Man

'Asli' Ace Man
